
About James H.P. Wilkie

Genuine International Psychic

Healer & Spiritual Life Counselor

James Wilkie - Photo by Laraine
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Photo by Laraine
Soundclip - CJOR - David Berner

Audio Transcript

James Wilkie is a Scottish medium who was born psychic. James inherited his gifts of healing and clairvoyance from both his paternal and maternal grandmothers. Jean Thompson, a Scottish medium, recognised James’ psychic abilities, and invited him at age 14 to join her adult development classes in Kirkcaldy Fife. There he was encouraged to develop his gifts.

After coming to Canada, the media soon brought James's psychic abilities to public attention in numerous newspaper and magazine articles, from The Toronto Star to a feature article in MacLean’s Magazine. Toronto’s Now Magazine’s 300,000+ readers honoured him as best psychic. James also was featured in various books, and live radio and television broadcasts across Canada and the U.S. James has also demonstrated his gifts of trance and conscious clairvoyance for reputable research projects. James has widely lectured on metaphysics to small groups (10-100) and in large lecture halls to audiences of over 1,000.

James’s reputation led him to work with many renowned individuals, including internationally known musicians, CEO’s, Canadian premiers, and even an astronaut who walked on the moon. His career in nursing also allowed him the opportunity to heal and console many people in his care.

He lectured extensively and demonstrated his gifts in churches, universities, and on radio and television.

James excelled in life readings and counseling. Clients were encouraged to ask questions about the most important issues in their lives. James explored these issues with insight enhanced by clairvoyance, explained the situation to the client in everyday language, and followed with specific, practical advice that was constructive and immediately applicable.

Individuals from every walk of life benefited from his gifts. Countless admirers on both sides of the Atlantic have spoken and written in praise of his work.

The Early Years—Cottage in Fife, Scotland, by the shores of the Firth of Forth

When I was very young my mother received word that her sister Jessie was dying of cancer in England. My home was then in Fife, Scotland, by the shores of the Firth of Forth. With the rest of the family I was whisked away in a car in the hope that we might get there in time.

Maternal Grandmother
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Maternal Grandmother
in Penicuik

Audio Transcript
A great depression hung over my aunt's home when we arrived. She had been ill a long time, the doctor in charge had done his best, but she was failing fast. Suffering almost constant pain, she got temporary relief only from the daily injections administered by the local nurse. Young as I was, and happy to see my cousins again, I nevertheless could sense the despair in the home and how the daily arrival of the nurse with her pain-killing needle was like the coming of an angel of mercy.

Following breakfast one morning I was told that Aunt Jessie had asked to see me and I was to be permitted to visit her sick room on condition that I be very quiet.

When I entered the room, she looked like some white thing, her complexion matching the many pillows on which she lay propped up in bed. She smiled sweetly and in a frail voice expressed her happiness at seeing me. Forgetting my strict orders to keep quiet, I was soon chatting gaily away.

Then something happened which had happened to me before—really, from my earliest years. Now I realize that, like many Scottish people, I had the gift of "second sight." Then, I didn't know what I had. All I knew was that seeing things nobody else could see wasn't encouraged by the dour people around me. It was regarded, by those who interpreted the Scriptures in a narrow-minded way, as a sure sign of the devil. Actually, as I now realize, it was a wonderful psychic gift.

Maternal Grandfather
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Maternal Grandfather
in Penicuik

Audio Transcript
Before this, at different times, I had been conscious of people who were invisible to others. Now, in that sick room, I saw what I later came to know was a "spirit presence" standing behind my aunt on her sick bed. It was the figure of a huge North American Indian with a beaming face. He appeared to be stroking my aunt's spine in great sweeps.

I watched, fascinated. Then I heard his voice. He told me that my aunt would not die, that she would be spared to be with us. So clear were the Indian's appearance and his words of assurance that I left the room and, in spite of myself, blurted out that my aunt wasn't going to die, that she would not only live but would walk again and resume her normal activities.

Everyone was shocked by my remarks. I was shushed and scolded for my bad behavior and marched off to bed.

However, despite the medical verdict, my aunt was still alive several days later. My family returned to Scotland, fearful that the end, though delayed, was inevitable.

Years later they were still waiting. My aunt, however, lived and walked and resumed a normal life—just as I had said she would. I knew then that my experience had been a true one.

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Parents with Brother Jack
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I have one delightful memory of my aunt—years after she was given up to die—traveling to Scotland to be with us at a niece's wedding. It is interesting to me that my aunt of whom I was very fond, was a soldier in the Salvation Army, a faith that gave her many blessings. I'm sure she—and I perceived this through the years to be true of others of many different religions—had spirit helpers and visitors who ministered to her, unawares, in times of need.

In later years, I discovered that the Indian I had seen in my aunt's sick room was a spirit guide or teacher who was assigned to train me in developing the gift of healing. This guide was instrumental in bringing about many cures through my mediumship.

Color and creed are not, I am convinced, barriers to the all-wise, all-loving God. And angels are not, by any means, all white beings. The land of light is populated by beings of many complexions and races and—as far as the views they held on earth are concerned—many different beliefs.

It took me a long time to realize that Christians have no monopoly on the truth or on the gifts of God. I saw this while believing implicitly that Christ is the Savior, the great High Teacher who is served by those I have come to think of as "the Shining Ones." The spirit servants of the Master include those who on earth were of many faiths besides the Christian one. It is not creed that counts but commitment to the loving service of God and others.

In my early years as a psychic, I met much misunderstanding among many in the churches. Not being psychic themselves, they were only too ready to brand anything they didn't understand as "the works of Satan."

Finally, I was led to Mrs. Jean Thomson, of Kirkcaldy, Fife, who developed and trained mediums for public work

Maternal Grandmother
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Maternal Grandmother
Audio Transcript
Finally, I was led to Mrs. Jean Thomson, of Kirkcaldy, Fife, who developed and trained mediums for public work. Through her devoted efforts, thousands gained insight into mediumship as the fulfilment of truth. Clairvoyance, telepathy, prophecy, communication with the dead—what are these, religiously interpreted, but the divine gifts, of discerning spirits, for reading the hearts of men, for peering into the future like the prophets of old, and for demonstrating the communion of saints, as Jesus himself did when he conversed on the Mount of Transfiguration with Moses and Elijah who had both been "dead" at the time for hundreds of years!

As I made headway in the development of my psychic powers—which, I realize now, you must be born with to possess; although, to be sure, many possess them without realizing it, I began practicing the laying on of hands for healing. I started with small groups of friends who were eager to encourage my gifts. At such times I began to feel a flow of energy directing me to the part of the person's body where the problem lay—the heart, the stomach, the left leg. ... Then I would be drawn to stroke the area gently until I felt a warmth, a tingling and a pulsing sensation in my fingertips. This, I learned, meant that healing force was being transmitted through my hands to the sick person.

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Audio Transcript
One day, when I was still inexperienced as a healer, a woman came to me in great distress, pleading that I accompany her home to where her son lay. He suffered from grave asthma, a lifelong affliction, and had developed a slight curvature of the spine as a result of the condition.

I hesitated, frankly, filled with fear and trembling which only the beginner can know. What if the condition is beyond my power to help, I thought, and when I pray nothing happens? But the woman's tears melted my resistance. I went with her.

The boy was ashen-faced and breathing heavily. Standing by the bedside, I concentrated and asked my spirit guides to help me. Then, as has happened many times since, a strange drowsiness crept over me. I felt something deep inside me "open up"—that's the only way I can describe it. My body was then taken over by another personality, quite distinct from my own—a forceful, dynamic personality which radiated power. In this psychic state I was vaguely aware that my hands were being manipulated over the sick boy's body. Then, I heard myself saying that within four hours the boy would be violently sick and bring up the very roots of his sickness.

I left the house still in a daze, wondering whether I had made a fool of myself with that prediction. But almost exactly four hours later, the boy suddenly sat bolt upright in bed, retched, and was violently sick. Thereafter, he felt dramatically better. And, indeed, as it turned out, from that moment he went on to perfect health, later joining the army.

In spite of healings such as this, I found myself worrying at times about the demons and satanic traps which the faithful at church—for I was a loyal churchgoer myself—constantly warned me about. If there was even a hint of truth in their dire warnings, I thought to myself, I will surely rot in hell!

It was to be some time before I came to the firm assurance that the spirits who attended me were indeed good beings, not devils, who led people closer to God and to the one we know as Christ.

To be continued...

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